This is the first workshop in the Titanic Introduction to R (TITR) series. If you know enough about R to be interested in this workshop, you are qualified to take it.
By the the end of the workshop, participants will learn:
R-requisites: None.
Stats-requisites: Understand the basics of Null Hypothesis Signifiance Testing.
This is the second workshop in the TITR series. You should have completed the first course or similar experience. This workshop reviews and builds on the data management skills introduced in "Icebergs Ahead".
By the the end of the workshop, participants will learn:
R-requisites: Icebergs Ahead! or comparable experience using R
Stats-requisites: Understand concepts behind linear and logistic regression.
This is the third workshop in the TITR series. You should have completed the first course or similar experience. This workshop builds on the data management skills introduced in "Icebergs Ahead" by introducing an entirely new way to program in R using tidyverse.
By the the end of the workshop, participants will learn:
R-requisites: Experience using R
Stats-requisites: None.
This is the fourth workshop in the TITR series. You should have completed the first and third workshops or similar experience. This workshop builds on the data management skills introduced in "Data Management in R" by introducing ways to join and reorganize data using tidyverse.
By the the end of the workshop, participants will learn:
R-requisites: Experience using piping in R
Stats-requisites: None.
You will need a GitHub account to do this. A basic account is free. Please specify the name of the slide deck or R script. Thank you in advance for the help.