Logistic Regression

  • Coding practice
  • ~60 Minutes
  • Participant survey
The Titanic


If you need to load the passengers data set, run this:


Note: source() runs all code in the file.

Logistic Curve Died~Sex

Learning Objectives

  • Definition
  • Changing survived to died
  • Logistic Regression
  • Visualization
  • Odds Ratio

Logistic Regression

  • Model with a categorical dependent variable. Today's example is binary: "0" = alive; "1" = dead
  • Estimates the probability of a binary response based on predictor variables to determine how much the presence of a risk factor affects the probability of a given outcome.
  • For more information, see Wikipedia


Dependent variable (outcome): what we want to predict.

tbl_surv <- table(passengers$survived)

  0   1 
140 110 

## table above as percentages

 0  1 
56 44


  • New column.
  • Easier to interpret risk factors.
  • Easier to type died than survived.

passengers$died <- 1
passengers$died[passengers$survived == 1] <- 0

## Check if survived and died are opposites.
## head() shows the first 6 rows of your table
head(passengers[, c("survived", "died")])
    survived died
1          0    1
2          1    0
3          1    0
4          1    0
5          0    1
6          0    1

Logistic Regression: Categorical

Independent variable: sex; Dependent variable: died

## Cannot have NAs in our data.
[1] 0
[1] 0

## We can only graph numeric variables, not categorical.
passengers$is_male <- 0
passengers$is_male[passengers$sex == "male"] <- 1

logit_sex <- glm(formula=died~is_male, family=binomial, 

To what extent does is_male explain died?


  • Formula: died as a function of sex
  • Sex is a statistically significant predictor of died.
  • Reduces residual deviance and AIC.


glm(formula = died ~ is_male, family = binomial, data = passengers)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.7125  -0.8112   0.7244   0.7244   1.5948  

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  -0.9426     0.2152  -4.380 1.19e-05 ***
sexmale       2.1466     0.2928   7.332 2.27e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 342.96  on 249  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 281.47  on 248  degrees of freedom
AIC: 285.47

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Visualizing: Died~Sex

plot(jitter(passengers$died, .4),
     jitter(passengers$is_male, .4))
curve(predict(logit_sex, data.frame(is_male=x), type="response"), 
Logistic Curve Died~Sex

Logistic Regression: Continuous

Independent variable: age; Dependent variable: died

## Cannot have NAs in our data.
[1] 0
[1] 0

logit_age <- glm(formula=died~age, family=binomial, 

To what extent does the variable age explain died?

Died ~ Age

  • Formula: died as a function of age
  • Age is not a statistically significant predictor of died!
  • Almost No difference to residual deviance or AIC.


glm(formula = died~age, family = binomial, data = passengers)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.366  -1.273   1.037   1.089   1.145  

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.063888   0.303464   0.211    0.833
age         0.005861   0.009127   0.642    0.521

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 342.96  on 249  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 342.55  on 248  degrees of freedom
AIC: 346.55

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Visualizing: Died~Age

plot(passengers$age, passengers$died)
curve(predict(g_age, data.frame(age=x), type="response"), add=TRUE) 
Logistic Curve Died~Age

Yeah - That's supposed to be curved.

Let's Cheat for a moment

  • GAM: Generalized Additive Model
  • Several confounders here. What can we do?
GAM Curve Died~Age

Click on the image to make it easy to really LOOK at it.


How can we use age to predict died?

Some Nice Dining Options

New Factors

1. Explore. 2. Learn new tricks.

## You've seen this:

   0    1 
0.44 0.56

## Indexing / Filtering: What percent of passengers
## five years of age or younger died?
prop.table(table(passengers$died[passengers$age <= 5]))

        0         1 
0.8181818 0.1818182 

Note: I'm TIRED of typing passengers.

New Tricks

with &, | round

## - Only write passengers once
## - Percent of passengers died older than 5 and younger than 11.
     prop.table(table(died[age > 5 & age <= 10])))

        0         1 
0.5714286 0.4285714

## Change proportion to percent and round:
     round(prop.table(table(died[age > 5 & age <= 10]))*100))

Age Group, Not Age

## Let's create a new factor:
passengers$age_group                       <- NA
passengers$age_group[passengers$age <= 10] <- "00-10"
passengers$age_group[passengers$age > 10 & 
                     passengers$age <= 20] <- "11-20"
passengers$age_group[passengers$age > 20 & 
                     passengers$age <= 30] <- "21-30"
passengers$age_group[passengers$age > 30 & 
                     passengers$age <= 40] <- "31-40"
passengers$age_group[passengers$age > 40 & 
                     passengers$age <= 50] <- "41-50"
passengers$age_group[passengers$age > 50 & 
                     passengers$age <= 60] <- "51-60"
passengers$age_group[passengers$age > 60]  <- "61+"

Complex Tables

## This should be familiar by now:
     round(prop.table(table(age_group, died),1)*100,1))

## But this is nice!
multi_tbl <- with(passengers,
                  round(prop.table(100 *
                  table(age_group, sex, died), 1), 1))
                 died    0    1
age_group sex
00-10     female      27.8 22.2
          male        44.4  5.6
11-20     female      24.3 13.5
          male         5.4 56.8
21-30     female      31.3 14.5
          male        10.8 43.4
31-40     female      41.7 10.0
          male        10.0 38.3
41-50     female      21.2  9.1
          male        18.2 51.5
51-60     female      40.0  0.0
          male        10.0 50.0
61+       female      11.1  0.0
          male        11.1 77.8

Photo of Captain Smith Your Turn!

Is age_group a statistically significant predictor of died?

No peeking!

Died~Age_Group Is Better

logit_age <- glm(formula=died~age_group, family=binomial, 
glm(formula = died ~ age_group, family = binomial, data = passengers)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.734  -1.177   0.840   1.047   1.601  

               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)     -0.9555     0.5262  -1.816  0.06941 . 
age_group11-20   1.8157     0.6374   2.849  0.00439 **
age_group21-30   1.2714     0.5713   2.226  0.02604 * 
age_group31-40   0.8888     0.5862   1.516  0.12948   
age_group41-50   1.3863     0.6355   2.181  0.02915 * 
age_group51-60   0.9555     0.8228   1.161  0.24550   
age_group61+     2.2083     0.9591   2.303  0.02130 * 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 342.96  on 249  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 330.08  on 243  degrees of freedom
AIC: 344.08

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Tweak these groups to reduce the residuals further.
But don't overfit.

Photo of Captain Smith Your Turn!

How are these two models different?

logit_complex <- glm(formula = 
	died ~ age_group+is_male, 
	family = binomial, 
	data = passengers)

logit_complex <- glm(formula = 
	died ~ age_group*is_male, 
	family = binomial, 
	data = passengers)


Odds Ratio

  • For epidemiologists.
  • No Base R odds ratio function.
  • Easy to calculate.
The Titanic, in Belfast

Odds Ratio (OR)

Quantifies how strongly the presence or absence of property A is associated with the presence or absence of property B in a given population.

Question: how is being male associated with dying?

Logistic regression calculates OR, not RR.

OR: First Steps

  1. Want odds of dying for two different groups.
  2. Calculate a 2x2 table: died x is_male
    This table is backwards from most text books.
  3. Invert the table, or do the math right.

## Remember: Rows (died), Columns (is_male)
t_male <- with(passengers,
               table(died, is_male, dnn=c("died","is_male")))

died   0   1
   0  77  33
   1  30 110

## Those numbers alone tell you alot.

Odds of dying

Man: 110/33
Woman: 30/77

The ratio of these two odds:

(110/33)/(30/77) or . . . (110*77)/(33*30)

  • The Odds Ratio in our sample is 8.555555555555555 . . .6
  • That is an enormous risk factor.

Photo of Captain Smith Your Turn!

Can you figure out how to do that with R?
It is just some fancy indexing trickery.

OR: Algebraic Method

## Remember:

died   0   1
   0  77  33
   1  30 110

Thus, our solution . . .

## Remember, you can use R like a giant calculator:
(t_male[2,2] * t_male[1,1]) / (t_male[2,1]*t_male[1,2])
[1] 8.555556

## This does not come with confidence intervals.

Pop Quiz!

What is the relationship between OR and logistic regression?

  • The log() of the OR == the coefficient from the logit model.
  • Which means . . .
  • The exp() of the coefficient from the logic model == the OR.
  • If you can build the logit model, the OR is one step away.

Deriving OR from logit model

## How does this help us?

Deriving OR from logit model

  • This is one way to do it.

## Step 1: Access the model coefficients:
             Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.942608  0.2152215 -4.379712 1.188363e-05
is_male      2.146581  0.2927698  7.331975 2.267860e-13

## Step 2: Calculate the exponent of the coefficients:
exp( summary(logit_sex)$coefficients )
             Estimate Std. Error      z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.3896104   1.240137 1.252897e-02 1.000012
is_male     8.5555556   1.340134 1.528397e+03 1.000000

Deriving OR from logit model

  • This is another way to do it.

## Step 1: Access the model coefficients:
logit_sex_coef <- summary(logit_sex)$coefficients

## Step 2: Calculate the exponent of the coefficients:
exp( logit_sex_coef )

## - Step 1 returns a vector and saves it as logit_sex_coef.
## - Step 2 calculates the exponent for each item in the vector.

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Iceberg == Deep Ideas

Photo of Captain Smith Your Turn!

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